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The Rev. Dr. Daniel L. Brown is the founder and pastor of First Agape Baptist Community of Faith Church of Alexandria, Virginia. God gave him the vision to plant a new church.

On the first Sunday in October of 1999 the Reverend Dr. Daniel L. Brown came together with approximately ninety-four individuals and the First Agape Baptist Community of Faith Church became a reality. The first service was held in the Durant Recreation Center in the City of Alexandria, Virginia. Dr. Brown preached Gods Word in spirit and in truth and many were added to the membership. After several months, the Church moved into Mount Vernon Elementary School. During this period the Church rented space across from the school and established a church office. The office was used for various church activities, such as meetings; choir rehearsals; and for the pastor’s newly developed Wholistic Outreach Ministry to enable him to minister to the community. Another important feature of this office was that the Church now had a facility to store all of the necessities and equipment used to transform the school into a Church

On April 2, 2000 First Agape was Recognized as a Church by the Moderator of the Northern Virginia Baptist Association, Rev. Dr. Kenny Smith. Many of the officers and Clergy from the Association were present to voice their approval (Rev. John Johnson; Rev. Lloyd O. Roberts; Elder Mick Upshur; Rev. Tom Bailey, Rev. Eugene Johnson and Rev. James Brown, etc.). Dr. Brown was indeed thankful to God and the membership joined him in offering praises to God.

The struggle was not easy but God remained faithful and continued to bless First Agape. Once again, the Pastor, Rev. Dr. Daniel L. Brown, through divine guidance selected the present church home at 2423 Mount Vernon Avenue, Alexandria, Virginia as the future site for First Agape. The Pastor wanted the Church to move out of the school into a more permanent facility. He encouraged the members to visit the facility he selected. Many took the short walk to the building and in spite of its condition, (“unclean and unfinished with oily residue”), were able through spiritual eyes to see this building as the new home of First Agape. Thus, these individuals, several of whom were Deacons, Deaconess and Missionaries, walked around in a circle inside the building, shouting praises to God while claiming the property as the future site of the First Agape Baptist Community of Faith. God is true to His Word and is faithful. He answered their prayer and on Sunday, February 4, 2001 Church Service was held in the new home. God was given the praise and glory for all that He had done.

This Church was established and dedicated for the work of kingdom building. Dr. Brown established First Agape with over twenty ministries. In faith he looked to God for more leaders and new disciples to do even greater works according to the Word of God. Many who were in leadership sacrificed tithes and time to Gods service under the leadership of Dr. Brown to assist him in his Ministry through obedience to the Holy Spirit.

Dr. Brown knew that a growing Church must have a biblical foundation. A Church School and regular program of Bible study for both Youth and Adults was established. The membership under his leadership grew in the agape love of Christ. Individuals began to love and care about one another. Many made incredible sacrifices of love to help others. They exercised great faith in praying for one another. The motivating power in church growth is prayer. The Church flourished and many of its needs, as well as the needs of the people were met without begging or selling. Dr. Brown established First Agape as a “Tithing Church” based on Gods Word. He instructed his members that the most important thing was not the edifice or how well the organizational structure was developed, but how they humbled themselves to the Will of a perfect, all powerful and loving God and by uplifting people and their needs in prayer. Dr. Brown set goals to address the needs of the surrounding community, while at the same time he preached and taught the empowering of the Holy Spirit, whereby each member would desire and obtain spiritual growth. The Pastor’s vision was to purchase the present building in early 2003. God enable all of the visions of First Agape to bear fruit.

In March of 2003, God enable First Agape to purchase the entire building they called home. The songwriter’s words, “Great Is Thy Faithfulness” was felt throughout the house. The Church was truly thankful and prayed for wisdom, knowledge and understanding as they moved forward in kingdom building for their Lord, Master and Savior. Their hope was in God raising up new leaders and new disciples for First Agape to do even greater works according to His Word. God has, and continues to bless this Community of Faith through His Word as delivered by His messenger, Pastor Brown. The members and friends of First Agape leave each service with a cup that is overflowing with the gospel of Jesus Christ. Again, Pastor Brown’s statement must be quoted, “A growing church must have a biblical foundation.”

Agape is the unconditional love of Jesus Christ. Thus, First Agape was founded on love. This Church exemplifies love and love radiates throughout the First Agape family. The members love and care about one another. Within this House individuals are making incredible sacrifices of love to help others. They are exercising great faith in praying for one another. The motivating power in church growth is love working together with prayer. It continues to be God’s people humbling themselves unto a perfect, all powerful and all loving God, while lifting people and their needs in prayer. The Church has individuals who are giving in abundance in tithes and offerings. Talents and gifts are offered up and there is tremendous growth in witnessing for the Lord and individuals desiring to know more and more about Jesus.

A growing church must permeate evangelism from pillar to post. Everything that is said and done must be for the purpose of drawing others to Christ. The major concern must always be people. The Deacons of First Agape are continually supportive of their Pastor and offer many prayers to God for all of First Agape to move toward spiritual growth. The Church needs God’s Word to grow spiritually and God has provided an anointed leader to accomplish this task, in Jesus Name. The vision of the pastor gives a clear understanding of First Agape’s purpose. At present, all of First Agape is in an attitude of growing the church. All members are positive about their church life. Thus, all are in the correct state of mind to initiate church growth (positive attitudes). First Agape’s Pastor has set goals to address the needs of the surrounding community through a Wholistic Outreach Ministry, while at the same time preaching and teaching the empowering of the Holy Spirit, whereby each member will desire and obtain spiritual growth, and continue to work together with a focus and commitment toward obedience to God’s Word as set forth in the “great commission;” “Go ye therefore into all the world and preach the gospel of Jesus Christ.”The Good News. To God Be The Glory!

Years of preaching and teaching, while ministering to Alexandria’s Youth and the HIV-population of the City, has culminated into the celebration of ten years in God’s Service. We have, by the Grace of Almighty God, continued to add to our membership/discipleship; provide spiritual enlightenment and renewal; impacted lives in terms of academic and professional growth and achievement. Blessings have come in all sizes and packages. We have beautiful pews, chandeliers, stained glass windows and a baptismal pool.

We have been blessed with good friends who have truly blessed us. We have managed to create a positive image within our community and are actively seeking to provide hope to the hopeless; food for the hungry and continue to be creative and inspired by whatever God desires of us. God’s Word has many promises that He is ready to give in response to obedience.

First Agape’s Pastor, Rev. Dr. Daniel L. Brown continues to serve at First Agape. His preaching and teaching is all inspiring. Individuals within this household of faith have read the entire Bible during the period of October 2008 thru September 2009. Dr. Brown continues to serve and provide leadership to the Baptist General Convention of Virginia; the Northern Virginia Baptist Association; and the National Baptist Convention, U.S.A., Inc. He is the recipient of many awards and commendations for his outstanding leadership and untiring efforts as he continues in God’s Word.

First Agape has been guided by the Agape Love of Jesus Christ throughout this ten year period. Under the leadership of its pastor, this Household of Faith will continue its efforts in welcoming individuals in the house whereby they are provided an opportunity to know Jesus and accept Him as their Lord and Savior. Dr. Brown ordained two women ministers and continues to provide training for deacons and trustees.

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