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Pastor Rev. Dr. Daniel L. Brown

The Rev. Dr. Daniel L. Brown is a unique individual who has dedicated his life to service. Dr. Brown accepted his calling and made preparation for his service to the Lord. Just as he prepared himself for his professional life, he likewise purposed in his heart to prepare himself for his spiritual vocation. He teaches that God gives His best and, therefore, He deserves our very best. Under the leadership of Dr. Brown at First Agape lives are being changed by his preachment and individuals are submitting their Will to an all Loving and all powerful God.

Dr. Brown is a former educator in the Arlington County Public School System. He attended Virginia Union School of Theology; Appalachian State University; Walden University; University of Virginia; George Washington University; Virginia State University; and Norfolk State University

Dr. Brown Planted the First Agape Baptist Community of Faith October 3, 1999. The Church was organized and established with 94 members and five Associate Ministers on the first Sunday in October. He is the founder and Executive Director of the Wholistic Family Agape Ministries Institute (WFAMI) which is a community outreach program serving the City of Alexandria and surrounding area. The organization is involved in Teenage Pregnancy Prevention and Case Management Service for the HIV-population of the City. WFAMI is the only faith based outreach initiative to serve the African American teen population and to make a difference in the lives of individuals with AIDS.

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Rev. Dr. Daniel L. Brown on left

First Lady Renelda E. Brown on right

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Our Mission: First Agape Baptist Community of Faith


So you may be wondering, “What in the world is ‘First Agape Baptist Community of Faith’?” and you may also be thinking, “Wow! That is a long title for an organization!”. Well no matter who you are, or what you happen to be thinking, let us give you some background on who we are and what we do.

We are a local, community driven church located in Alexandria, Virginia, United States. We were founded in 1999 by the highly esteemed Rev. Dr. Daniel L. Brown, along with 94 other individuals from the community. While our church had very humble beginnings (starting our first services in a local community center and then transitioning to a nearby elementary school) the church flourished and membership grew very rapidly thanks to God’s grace and blessings. In the month of February 2001, less than two years after the church’s foundation, God blessed First Agape with a full time location, which was later purchased completely in 2003, and is still in our ownership to this day.

First agape was founded on the biblical concept of “Agape Love”. “Agape” love is a form of love defined in various sources as “unconditional love”, “God’s infallible love for mankind” and “the highest form of love and charity”. First Agape is a baptist church that preaches this form of love as one of the most important, if not the most important commandment in the Holy Bible. We are doing our part in not only preaching this element of the gospel of Jesus Christ, but also teaching and living it.

So do you want a taste of God’s agape love that he shows his disciples on a daily basis? Then come visit First Agape Baptist Community of Faith, experience one of our Sunday worship services, and amplify God’s Agape Love in your life today!

Visit us on Sunday @ 11 AM!

2423 Mt Vernon Ave,

Alexandria, VA 22301

Welcome to the Genesis of new birth,

Dedicated to the pure worship of God,

The awareness of service to the Lord our God, To evangelize and holistically minister

To the poor

Mission Statement:

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